aThe soldering iron has been doing so much work that I've run out of 145 degree solder... here's progress:

Bug box with curved ends (curved using the wooden spoon rolling method). Wheels are in and just need the white metal axleboxes adding then it's ready for painting.

FR coach 116 (I only got this kit a fortnight ago). Bogies will be plastic nine lines ones, but I need some more wheels...
WHR(P) Buffet car - the real one isn't even rebuilt yet! Bogies in hand, but need wheels.

The 2
nd shot shows a run of 3
carrs, the last one being the Pullman (first image) which I have completed the ends, bogies, buffer beams, steps etc (and then ran out of solder) The sides need adding and then it's ready for painting. The other two
carrs have been previously completed - gives you an idea of the length of even a 5
carr train though!

Ashbury has had its vents added above the window (mega fiddly that was as there are 3 different sizes!).

Prince is getting on well, with the addition of chimney,
smokebox door, dome and top filler. Plus the chassis was filed down so it fits into the body and a door was cut into the cab rear. There remains a problem with the cab openings which need to be wider (this will need surgery!). Since this photo was taken I have also attached the valve gear again and improved the tender wheels. A few details
remain to be added plus couplings etc (and the cab surgery) but otherwise nearly there...

The finished
Harlech Castle with chassis in and all details bar the exhaust (which has been altered in reality from that in the kit, so some tubing will be added instead).

The Gladstone car on the
WHR(P) w
ith bogies too.
and I have also done work to the FR curly (turtle) roofed van, FR carrs 11 and 12, modern carr 122 and bowsider 17.
This means I have the following etched coaches soon to require painting:
- FR: Bowsider 17, 116, 103 and soon 122, 11 and 12 (and maybe 18, 19 (both bowsiders) and 14 (ex L+B) if I get some more solder soon)
- WHR(C): mess coach 1000, winson open, saloon, 23 and nearly the Pullman
- WHR(P): Pickering brake, buffet car, Gladstone coach
So I think the ambition to have a test train of 5 long coaches will be achieved very easily (open, pullman, WHR saloon, 116, 122 probably) and a NGG16 on the front. Alongside that I can test Moel Tryfan with a heritage set too. The funkey diesel is also close to completion so I may tackle some B wagons soon too.
Great progress. What's the secret to model making with a baby, because I haven't figured it out yet!
an extremely tight evening regime...a wonderful wife...quick access to modelling equipment (stored on top of my bookcase c.1 min to set up) and the use of every spare 15 mins to get on with things...not easy though. Hopefully I'll be posting some more news on Friday including an amazing birthday present and a trip to this space folks... Colin
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