Worsley works - rolling stock kits in etched brass
Backwoods Miniatures - etched brass loco kits
Mercian models - wagons and England kits
Parkside Dundas - huge range of 009 kits and bits
General supplies and excellent postage services - Gaugemaster
International models - superb scenics
Woodland scenics - hard to beat for base scenery
Humbrol acrylics
Railmatch acrylics
Fox transfers
Precision paints
Halfords primers
Absolute airbrush - airbrush equipment
MRC prodigy advance at Bromsgrove Models
Loksound micro at DCC supplies
Digitrains - alongside the two links above all you need in DCC
Peco track and points at Hattons
Evergreen strip at CMS
Tortoise motors at DCC supplies
Hoffmann motors at Finney and Smith
Veissmann lamps
KR Multi cases
CMX cleaner at DCC supplies
Tools and antex soldering irons - squires
Flux, tools, brass strip and solder - eileens emporium