Monday, November 20, 2006

Packs a punch

Well, I went to B+Q and got those measurements (see yesterday's post) and yes, the traverser design will work, albeit with a 1mm difference, but that can be sorted with a bit of cork packing, so I'm not worried. It requires 34mm pine and 70mm pine with 2 bits of 3mm hardboard and 9mm and 6mm ply to work! (+1mm cork!)

I also picked up a punch set, 3 for £2.48 - mustn't grumble! These will be invaluable in the tiresome job of finally tacking down the track. The pins are placed now, but need driving in the whole way as I wanted to make sure of the track alignment alongside the platform.

I also started the station shelter late yesterday, but found the wills sheets difficult to cut accurately as they are pretty thick, so some more practice and perhaps a sharper knife is required. To be honest I was a bit tired too, so I might try setting aside a few hours and doing this properly some point soon. Finsihed one side with a cut out window though, so some progress was made.


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