Well, the hour's changed and work on the layout has commenced in earnest once again. Progress this week so far:
- The completion of an outline drawing of the double level crossing at the north end of the station
- The completion of full 'board by board' wiring plans
- The cutting out of a significant section of the front of the main boards to produce the necessary change in height around the car park area - see image below of the steps/ramp below which makes the point. 4 smaller bits of plywood have been cut to shape and small blocks of wood glued to them to allow them to be fixed in place, lower, later this week.
- The purchase of a nail gun/stapler from netto (no I don't shop there usually, but I couldn't resist it when I saw it advertised at £7.99!!)
- Some small work to the control panel to straighten up a wonky switch and plane the bottom to sit level.
- The cutting of enough wood into the correct lengths for nearly 3 more trestles. I need one more to complete the trestle collection, so need some extra wood (and some hinges) from B+Q (hope to get this later today). I will then put these together in a batch. The final board (2ft square) and the two hidden sidings will then follow...
- The calculation of the total area required to cover the scenery in a base meadow grass - £52 of auhagen scenics (image below from Ffestiniog Railway Harbour Station shop - 50x35cm at £4). This will then be overlain with a collection of woodland scenics scatters, rubberised horsehair, sisal/jute [hanging basket liner, and subject of another posting soon], silflor tufts, woodland scenics field grass and possibly even some old carpet underlay...

- The completion of bodywork soldering for coach 103 [of which I am most proud, as it is a significant step change from my first effort at soldering] and the starting of various other coaches, including ex Lynton and Barnstaple coach 14. (However, I have a problem with bending the body on this as there are no half-etch lines!)
- The planning of plywood formers for the hillside behind the station, which is now to include a shelf for cups of tea, hidden behind the scenery!
So, good progress really....
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