Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Je suis un Parisien

[written from a hotel room in Paris]

Research continues on all aspects of DCC and it's fair to say that I'm hooked.  I can't wait to try some DCC sound next - well my (30th - don't mention that number, the thought is quite frightening) birthday and xmas approach!

I am particularly interested in the digitrax sounddepot.  You can buy one of these:

for £17 and add a 'soundbug' for £31 (it plugs into the above decoder - I might have to substitiute the speaker for a smaller version though 28mm is big!):

and then using this 'bad boy':

you can add various sounds to the decoder (it comes preloaded with generic sounds, these are extras): including a 108 dmu, class 37, yorkie 0-6-0 shunter, standard 5, GWR prairie and various other american locos.


add to that the fact you can even record your own sounds and upload them and I might just be seen recording various sounds off FR and WHR locos at source!  Obviously it'll only work in locos big enough to take this kit, but I guess the NGG16s and the funkey would be worthwhile...?

In other news, I have been extensively testing the DCC locos I've collected - a GP38 (bought as a possible chassis for a funkey, but too short) and the new farish warship (image above) which I've adorned with a gaugemaster 6 pin decoder and features directional lighting.  I've also successfully tested a ZTC 255 on an ibertren chassis (to become Conway Castle).  Good times.



stephen said...

I found 30 to be a bit of a false alarm. It's 31 when you start feeling old :(

Tom said...

I'm up for 25 soon... closer to 30 than 20, that'll feel nice! Anyway back to modelling ;-)

I've often thought about DCC sound in 009 and i've asked on RMweb about the Soundbug add on and the proposed semi sound decoder add on in the pipeline from Zimo. There are some pretty clued up people on RMweb who know a lot about DCC (including proprietor of Bromsgrove Models), and they recommended to stay away from the 'add on' sound decoders and that the only one worth getting was the LokSound Micro which again you can reprogramme with sounds of specific engines if you want. Just thought i'd share what i've been told by others, hope it is of some use.

Be REALLY interested to see how you get on with this as i'm getting very tempted to try something out soon...

Tom said...

Colin, have you found dcc to make a marked improvement in the running of your stock?

Colin Lea said...

it's possible that it may help a bit, but I need to play more...
I certainly love the acceleration that you can program in which makes the locos behave much more like the real thing (and of course the always on lighting, sound possibilities and many locos on one piece of track operation), but this will not cure poor mechanisms or dirty track/wheels.

Tom said...

absolutely, so what locos do you think you'll be able to fit sound in? I think CTelektronik make the smallest sound decoder, i'm going to have a play with some on the EDM models stand at Swanley. 16mm speakers seem about the limit for my 009 stock. Though if i were to do a layout in S scale as i've been considering then it would be easier ;-)

Colin Lea said...

can't make swanley due to a family commitment (day on the great central). i'm looking at the two funkeys to start, and the NGG16s look tmepting too. funkeys will take a 23mm speaker.