Progress from Cheltenham:

Dad explains:
As the weather is ideal today, I decided to make a start on spraying some primer. Procedure was as follows:-
1. Scrub thoroughly with 'Ajax' Scouring Powder to clean the brass and neutralise any traces of acid flux from soldering. Rinse in clean water.
2. The above action also tends to reveal anything not fixed on firmly enough (!) and 2 door bangers came off two separate B's. These were soldered back on and action No.1 done again!
3. To speed up the drying process I used kitchen roll tissue to remove any obvious water globules, then gave the wagons a good blast on the mini hair dryer, until they were completely dry and warm.
4. I then went to the top of the garden, well away from the house (to keep the fumes away) then, holding the wagons with a long hook made of copper wire, I sprayed each wagon with a coat of the Halford's Red Oxide Primer. I used a good face mask to avoid breathing any of the paint fumes, and held the wire with a domestic rubber glove. It is a good idea to take off your watch when doing this as well!
5. After spraying I placed each wagon in a Plant Propagator (from a garden centre) as this is perfect for keeping the dust etc out during drying. It is best to leave them to dry out overnight before doing any further painting.
So we are up and running in the Paint Shop and you almost have a complete SAR freight train!
Is a dust mask sufficient for spraying outside of do you need something more technical?
dust mask does nothing. you need one with charcoal or special filters in it. if you can smell paint, you're breathing it.
Thanks! I thought that might be the case. Just had a look on ScrewFix and found some things that look like the right sort of things.
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