Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Back in control

A little progress and the start of some planning today (although caring for Thomas took up most of the day!)...

Stuck down the three pieces making up the down gradient onto board 2 and started to lay out the alignment on from here. I also managed to measure and convert drawings of the station shelter (pictured) into 4mm scale and found that windows I already have in stock are near enough the correct size (hooray!).

The planning mentioned above is to do with the control panel...I cut out a piece of plywood as a template for the cover and started to plan where switches etc. will be sited. An initial plan has been put together and an order was made for the necessary LEDs (the switches are in stock).

Most of the electronics are thus catered for now, CDU, transformers and controllers are in stock and all that is really needed now are the point motors.

Hope to start cork underlay laying tomorrow....


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