Further good progress today. The wing walls of UB114 (pictured with my wife under it) have been cut down to the correct height and all the 7 piers for the Fridd Isaf section were then cut out and the first one screwed into place. The others await the drying of the filler (still not dry from yesterday!).
I also created the bases of the water towers from 9mm ply and used these and various bits of track to approximate the trackplan. This also involved nailing the WHR rhyd ddu plans to the garage wall as an easy way to check them whilst not using the layout as a table all the time!
The good news is that the platform can be longer than I first thought and will be just short of 4ft, which equates to a garratt + 6 saloons!! I also appear to have all the points I need, but need to consider whether a RH point is actually required in the yard, or whether a LH will do, used mostly in the divergent direction.
Looking good! Tomorrow I hope to glue down the piers of UB114 and screw the rest of the piers in before starting the transition structure (2x 9mm ply then sloping down to baseboard level and curving left towards the station approach... Fun indeed.
Problem ahead is how to approximate the height of the Fridd Isaf rock outcrops??? one contour on my map but is that 10m or 19m???
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